Speaking Engagements That Are Different

Supplement Your Leadership Development

Our top-notch internationally known speakers bring a straightforward, no nonsense approach to their presentations. Our PML leadership speakers engage your leaders in their own learning by combining their depth of knowledge with extensive leadership training experience that will help generate important questions to prepare you and your organization for success with dynamic and practical perspectives on today’s most compelling leadership issues.

Crisis on My Watch™ – 60-90 Minutes
One of the most overlooked responsibilities of any organization is what to do when a business related crisis or a life and death emergency arises.  The failure to communicate effectively while managing a crisis can inflict more damage on your reputation than whatever provoked the crisis in the first place. In this detailed discussion, you learn how to respond to crises when they happen and how to preserve the company’s reputation with its key stakeholders. We explore numerous examples of real crises as case studies along with those communication pitfalls and best practices in response, incident command and emergency communications.

Feeding Alligators without Being Eaten Alive™ – 60-90 Minutes
Print and broadcast media are powerful and influential and reach out to touch people in all walks of life. This in depth discussion of media relations will help you understand what reporters really want and how to protect yourself from being misquoted or quoted out of context while delivering your message. Detailed case studies include practical knowledge, tools and techniques of the 9 keys to surviving encounters and communicating successfully with the press.

Leading by Values™ – 60-90 Minutes
Leading by Values is a very fast paced, entertaining, informative and emotionally engaging multi-media presentation that focuses on people’s ability to understand themselves and others better through an overview of human value systems. We outline well-known but relevant, as well as new research on the topic of human value systems: how they are formed and when; the behaviors that values influence; the needs of the generational clusters in our workforces today based on their value systems, and how leaders must know their own values and those of their people to have any chance at influencing outcomes or behavior change.  This presentation uses music, events and personal stories about leadership failures to help people understand the impact values have on behaviors. It is done in semi-darkness for dramatic impact.

Leading Systems™ – 60-90 Minutes
Leading Systems is a very fast paced, entertaining, informative and interactive, multi-media workshop that focuses on people’s ability to understand systems thinking. This introduces the participants to recognizing the systems around us and how to lead them; understanding mental models that block success; tools to think out of the box, and to more effectively manage systems.

Leverage of Leadership™ – 60-90 Minutes
Representing real Six Sigma data-driven work by a Fortune 5 company, this workshop reveals the SEVEN key leadership behaviors that are always present and working effectively in sites that never have a 3rd party intervention. Provides a roadmap for leaders to consider about how well their positive workplace strategies are working, improve their practices and processes, learn from the mistakes of others, and design new frameworks to reduce/eliminate potential interventions.

Math of Corporate Reputations™ – 60-90 Minutes
With corporate reputation estimated to be worth about 4 to 5 percent of sales per year, it’s important for companies to be fully prepared to navigate in today’s reputation economy. This program reveals the statistically significant Six Sigma math of corporate reputations as well as reputation quotients and trends to help companies harness a thorough understanding of their stakeholder ecosystems in order to drive behaviors that will lead to sustainable growth. We’ll explore case studies of real corporate reputations and trend-lines and the six different reputation dimensions.

Perfect Storm: Convergence of (H)Acktivist Forces™ – 60-90 Minutes
An in-depth review of converging trends and actions by organized labor, Occupy Wall Street™ and Anonymous (the secret, global “hacktivist” collective) to form the emergence of a new, coordinated corporate campaign attack scenario. Uses real news video clips, news reports, web pages and images, including an Anonymous global corporate attack ‘map’. Intended to educate employers about what may be forming before our eyes, and to scare employers “straight” into action to protect their networks, domains, critical data and intellectual property from prying eyes and extortion. Will Anonymous and Occupy take the place of traditional organized labor?

Perfect Storm: e-Organizing Update™ – 60-90 Minutes
Especially for your union union-free human resource, operations and logistics leaders for the purpose of transferring knowledge about and helping leaders understand labor’s advanced use of the web, technology and targeted messaging to communicate with and organize employees.

Preparing for the Unexpected™ – 60-90 Minutes
Most corporate management organizations are ill prepared or more likely, unprepared to effectively deal with major crisis situations. In this in-depth discussion, learn the principal elements of what crisis management is and does along with the fundamental tools to prepare for crises, and for avoiding them. Review concentric vulnerability maps, probability and consequence analyses, risk summary grids, crisis communications “dark sites”, notification trees, fact-gathering checklists and sample media holding statements.

Science of Attack™ – 60-90 Minutes
During this lively presentation, we explore the personalities, conflicts and motivations involved in corporate attacks and share the unique communications approaches to slowing and preventing attacks. We reveal the six necessary elements of successful attacked on brands and reputations, along with challenges and strategies for defending against the power of allegation and innuendo while helping lay out blueprint for reclaiming the public’s good favor and erasing the attacker’s allegations.

Science of Effective Communications™ – 60-90 Minutes
Communication is about more than exchanging information. It’s about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information. In this energetic presentation, participants learn how to effectively convey a message so that it is received and understood by someone the way it’s intended, learn how to listen to gain the full meaning of what’s being said and to make the other person feel heard and understood. They also learn the secret to help deepen connections with others and improve teamwork, decision making, and problem solving.

The Management Challenge™ – 60-90 Minutes
A convincing, live presentation of a union official and the management response, which provides a look at the arguments an organizer may use to get your employees to sign authorization cards. The Management Challenge introduces the participants to the adversary, which serves as a “wake-up call” to leaders and begins to build a burning platform. The presentation generates emotion and creates discomfort for participants which engages them in the process of learning about the importance of relationships and feelings to the success of leaders, and it unveils issues that are pertinent to the company and/or the industry.

Learn More

To speak with one of our dedicated staff to learn more about our speaking engagements or how to arrange for a keynote at your location or at your next leadership meeting, contact us today.

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