Leverage of Leadership™

7 Highly Effective Leadership Behaviors for Avoiding Intervention

Have you ever wondered why some business locations have an OSHA audit, FMLA investigation, letter from a legislator, or a union campaign while others do not? In this intriguing and analytical presentation, The Leverage of Leadership™ uses the results of discrete Six Sigma data and analysis to expose the differences of those business practices that lead to or do not lead to an intervention.

Representing real Six Sigma data-driven work by a Fortune 5 company, this workshop reveals the SEVEN key leadership behaviors that are always present and working effectively in sites that never have a 3rd party intervention. Provides a roadmap for leaders to consider about how well their positive workplace strategies are working, improve their practices and processes, learn from the mistakes of others, and design new frameworks to reduce/eliminate potential interventions.

Who Should Attend

  • The Leverage of Leadership™ is appropriate for all business leaders in the U.S. and Canada who wish to:
  • Evaluate gaps and vulnerabilities in business practices and processes that can prevent t 3rd party intervention.
  • Implement an improvement process for minimizing interventions.

Learning Objectives

  • Introduce proactive leadership behaviors that are successful, positive workplace practices to avoid union campaigns.
  • Reveal cyclical patterns of site employee relations that are repeatable and predictable for every business location.
  • The positive effects of more rapid, credible communications about change in your business and effects on your employees.
  • A lasting leadership lesson for all of us from…a teenager.

Program Dates

The 60-minute Leverage of Leadership™ presentation is scheduled at the convenience of each of our clients.

Learn More

Let our dedicated staff work with you to develop the specific simulations and modules that fit your development needs today and in the future. Contact us to learn more or request more information.

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